Volunteers needed
We would like to thank you for your interest in joining us this coming holiday season!
Our volunteers are a huge part of our programs success each year! There is a lot of planning and coordinating prior to and throughout the year that is done directly by our committee of board members. We ask for individual volunteers for our two weeks of the "season" for Holiday for Giving which is the first two weeks in December.
Sign up below to help make the Holiday for Giving season another successful year for our Wallingford neighbors in need.
Food Sorters - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - to help sort all the food from the annual school drives.
Toy Sorters - Thursday and Friday - to help sort all the toys that are donated throughout town in the White Boxes.
Give Away Day Helpers - Monday and Tuesday - to help when participants come in to pick up their food and to shop the toys for their children.
Please email us at hfgvolunteers@gmail.com with any questions on volunteering.